Canadian Credit Cards
The Canadian Credit Cards page is a section designed to provide current credit card options available to Residents of Canada. If your a Canadian Resident, this is your resource to the best credit cards available to you.

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American Express® AIR MILES®* Credit Card
A FAST and EASY way to collect AIR MILES reward miles.
• No Annual Fee
• 100 reward miles the first time you use your Card2
• 1 reward mile for every $20 in purchases charged to your Card1
• 3.99% on balance transfers for the first six months of Card membership, provided your account is and remains in good standing3
The American Express AIR MILES Credit Card is the only NO FEE Credit Card that earns 1 reward mile for every $20 in purchases charged to your Card1. Plus, with Front Of The Line® Entertainment, you’ll receive preferential access to some of the most sought after concerts, theatre and sporting events across Canada.
1. Account must be in good standing. AIR MILES reward miles will be earned on the amount of all eligible purchases, less credits and returns. Funds Advances, Finance Charges, balance transfers, annual fees (if applicable), other fees and purchases of travellers cheques and foreign currencies are not purchases and do not qualify for reward miles.
2. 100 Bonus reward miles apply only for the Basic Cardmember's first use of the Card. Bonus reward miles do not apply for first time usage of renewal, replacement or Supplementary Cards.
3. All rates are expressed as annual rates. See below for which rate applies to charges on your account and other details. Payments are applied to balance transfers after funds advances but before purchases. Please refer to your Cardmember Agreement for full details. Provided you pay your minimum monthly payments on time, your rates are:
• 3.99% on balance transfers for the first six months of Card membership
• 18.5% Regular Rate on purchases and funds advances • The annual rate for all charges when your account is not in good standing will be 23.99%
®: Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express Company.
®*Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by Loyalty Management Group Canada Inc. and Amex Bank of Canada.
Canadian Credit Cards
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